Big Bang's 1st single album was released on 28th August 2006- Intro (Put Your Hands Up)
- We Belong Together (Feat. 박봄 / Park Bom)
- 눈물뿐인 바보 (A Fool's Tear)
- This Love
Big Bang is V.I.P was released 28th September 2006- La-La-La
- My Girl
- V.I.P
- La-La-La (Instrumental)

B I G B A N G 0 3 was realeased on 21
st November 2006
- VICTORY (Intro)
- B I G B A N G
- Forever With You (Feat. 박봄 / Park Bom)
- Good Bye Baby
- 웃어본다 (Try Smiling)

Volume 1-Since 2007 was released on 21
st December 2006
- Intro (Big Bang)
- She Can’t Get Enough
- Dirty Cash
- 다음날 (Next Day) (Seung Ri (승리) Solo)
- BIG BOY (T.O.P Solo)
- 흔들어 (Shake It)
- 눈물뿐인 바보 (A Fool's Only Tear)
- My Girl (Tae Yang (태양) Solo)
- La-La-La
- This Love (G-Dragon (G-드래곤) Solo)
- 웃어본다 (Try Smiling) (Dae Sung (대성) Solo)

Big Bang's 1st concert Live album-The Real was released on 8
th February 2007
- B I G B A N G (Live)
- V.I.P (Live)
- My Girl (Live)
- 눈물뿐인 바보 (A Fool's Tear) (Live)
- We Belong Together (Live) (Feat. Park Bom)
- Forever With You (Live) (Feat. Park Bom)
- 웃어본다 (Trying To Laugh) (Live)
- BIG BOY (Live)
- 다음날 (Next Day) (Live)
- She Can't Get Enough (Live)
- Dirty Cash (Live)
- This Love (Live)
- La-La-La (Live)
- Good Bye Baby (Live)
- 흔들어 (Shake It) (Live)
- Dirty Cash (For Fan - Original Track)

Big Bang's 1st mini album-Always was released on 16
th August 2007
- 우린 빅뱅 (We Are Big Bang)
- 거짓말 (Lies)
- 없는 번호 (Unknown Number)
- 아무렇지 않은 척 (Pretend To Be Unconcerned) (T.O.P Solo) (Feat. Ji Eun / 지은)
- Oh Ma Baby
- Always

Big Bang's 2nd mini album-Hot issue was released on 22
nd November 2007
- Intro - Hot Issue
- 바보 (Fool)
- But I Love U (Sampling By Rhu Of Redd Holt Unlimited)
- I Don't Understand
- Crazy Dog (Sampling By 환상 속의 그대 Of Taijiboys)
- 마지막 인사 (Last Farewell)

For the world-Japan Album was released on 4
th January 2008
- Intro - VIP
- How Gee
- Lie
- So Beautiful
- La La La
- Together Forever
- Always
Credit: Big Bang Wikipidea & Big Bang@thread soompi
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